Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy 2009! I know this is a bit late (the other one doesn't really count 'cause it was automatic, though I did write it). To get the new year started right, I thought I would thank a few of my many blessings, or friends.

Grace- You are truly my sister and best friend in every meaning of the words! Your willingness to serve your family is an example to me. You put up with all my plans, and you are always up on stage to be the "other girl" with me! I love you!!!!

Recah- I have enjoyed getting to know you better through the church plant, Care Group, and being to two Rhetoric girls in TOG. You always encourage me in the Lord, which is greatly appreciated! I love having you as my "big sister!"

Rebecca P.- You are such a sweet person!!! I have so enjoyed getting to know you as we work together helping to clean up after church! I can't wait to get to know you better in '09!

To all my friends at Grace- I can't wait to get to know you all better as we
evangalize in Moorsville/Kannapolis!

To all my friend at Crossway- I miss you all! I hope the Lord richly blesses you all in 2009!

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