Friday, November 14, 2008


Science! Bleh! For those of you who enjoy science, good for you, but I don't. Give me something practical, for ex. math. There's nothing wrong with scientist. In fact, thank you all scientists out there, we would be where we are today without you, but that's not for me. All right I'm done


morgan joy said...

i'm with you aly!!!

Aly said...

Yea! I do science co-op with a bunch of people who get science. They like talk in "scientific terms." Literaly. And I think how will the ameoba effect me in 50 years?

Emily said...

lol! are you doing biology?

I can understand, but i like science :)

Aly said...

Yes! Right now I'm on the week that has 60 some terms. At least they're short and sweet!

Grace said...

I'm with you there sister!
Your freind (for a reason)
Grace M.